SzE-learning system and exams 2024/25

Access to the SzE-learning system:

The e-learning materials for the courses you have enrolled in are available from , after logging in to the SzE-learning (Moodle) system.


The system uses eduID to identify users and students. This ID can also be used to log in to other University sites. Those who do not have an eduID profile must first register.


eduID registration (English language available): 


Registration procedure: 

The enrolment for the courses in the SzE-learning (Moodle) is done every 30 minutes based on the Neptun system, i.e. after the course enrolment (or after the first login to the system) the course will be visible in the SE-learning system after 30 minutes at the latest.


For general technical support and information:



Exams in Impera:

Please bring the printed answer sheet that can be downloaded from the link below!

answer sheet